Zhizhang Deng
Software Engineer
8+ years of industrial experience building clean, maintainable, and well-tested code in multiple languages with various tools, have strong and broad computer science fundamental knowledge.
Actively seeking software engineer full-time position.
My skills
Fullstack Developer Intern
Lead a team of 3, migrated important parts of the iPay CSR Admin application from using the legacy HTML model to a Angular/SynerG/Spring Boot based model, improving workflows and processes using secure methodologies
Tech Stack:
- Angular 2/TypeScript
- Java
- SpringBoot
- Oracle DB
- SynerG(internal UI framework)
- Implemented a new feature for the existing web application that automatically sent extracted Pay Statements from iPay to PiBrain engine using a secure environment
- Created a website and a well-defined API to display data files received from PiBrain and made them available for download from iPay CSR Admin application through secure channels, preventing security breaches and potential bottlenecks
- Implemented UI components using modern front-end technologies that enhanced the user experience level, increasing their satisfaction and engagement rates across multiple platforms
- Successfully collaborated with different team members including seniors, from whom I accumulated valuable information
- Gathered project requirements and defined short-term goals that allowed us to plan, build, and monitor technical implementations, ensuring that every task was completed on-time, within the estimated budgets
Software Engineer Intern
Supernova Aeronautic Technology, USA
Actively involved in developing an air traffic control (arrival manager) project & designed new websites and web applications for clients
Tech Stack:
- AWS (Linux)
- C++
- Networking
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Successfully collaborated with various clients to design and define requirements for new websites and web applications that followed their business objectives
- Maintained complex databases hosted on Linux servers, providing optimum performance with efficient backup and restore processes
- Deployed and maintained the company’s website and databases on Linux-based servers, enhancing operations as well as automating processes and workflows
- Worked closely with various departments, including the administrative department and key stakeholders, proposing new solutions as a Project Lead for the Arrival Manager project that were quickly adopted and put into practice, generating expected results
Co-Founder, Developer
Phenomenal Team, China
Built a team of ~30 core people and developed an online platform based on multiple variables and complex algorithms that provides a simulation environment for the business world
Tech Stack:
- C++
- Qt (Cross-platform programming)
- Mac (Unix)
- Event-driven networking
- Protocol Buffer
- AliCloud (AWS equivalent)
- Windows Server
- Designed and implemented multiple simulation functionalities such as realistic currency exchange markets and supply chain management solutions, focused on improving the user experience and engagement levels
- Planned, set up, and monitored multiple business simulation competitions with 1000+ participants, organizing and delegating roles
- Proposed viable solutions that improved the server performance by 90%, utilizing event-driven network programming and binary TCP protocol that generated outstanding results
- Successfully collaborated with various departments, proposing and implementing technical solutions that performed
Selected Projects
2017.09.01 [grad date: 2021.05]Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Major: Computer Science; Minor: Mathematics
Related coursework: Deep Learning, Graph Theory, Combinatorial Theory, Math Reasoning, Operating System Design, Intro to Artificial Intelligence, Linear Optimization, Design & Analyze Algorithms, System Programming, Discrete Structures, Computer Architecture1999Birthday
I'm born!
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